30 Jun 2014

Robins and Owls visit Severn Valley Country Park!

On Monday 23rd June, the day of the Robins and Owls school trip had finally arrived. We started the day exploring the school grounds using a key to work out which trees are growing in our school environment. We managed to find all of the trees that our school houses are named after - Maple, Birch, Ash and Rowan! 

We then had a nice walk down to the river, over the bridge and up to Arley Station where we had our morning snack while waiting for the train. Mr Smith came to wave us off because, as everyone knows, he loves steam locomotives!

All aboard!!!

We travelled on the train to the Severn Valley Country Park where we were met by our ranger, Ed. We had lots of questions for Ed about what we might see at the Park, and we told him all about mini-beasts - he was very impressed that we could name some of them in French!

First we walked through the trees and across the fields while Ed told us about the wildlife in the area, including otters that have been sighted on the river. When we arrived at the visitor centre we sat on the grass and ate our lunch.

After lunch, Ed showed us some baby eels that were rescued further down the river. They are being looked after by the centre and then when they are bigger they will be released back into the river.

Next we walked to the meadow for our afternoon activity - the mini-beast hunt! Ed showed us how to use huge nets to catch mini-beasts with, by swooping them across the long grass. We were amazed at how many different creatures we found in our nets, including butterflies, grasshoppers, spiders, and lots of different types of beetles and flies.

After our mini-beast hunt, it was time to collect our things and head back to the train. The train was running and bit late and we thought we might have missed it at first! While we were waiting, we heard some bats nesting in the shelter above our heads! Finally, the train was here. We said goodbye and thank you to Ed, and headed off on the train back to school! We had a lovely day!

29 Jun 2014

Visit from Colley Lane Primary School

We had a great time doing the sports activities that the SSOC (School Sport Organising Committee) organised in the afternoon when Colley Lane came to visit.  It was great fun!

 Great stike!
What a throw!

26 Jun 2014

Pen-Pals Visit!

Today we were delighted to welcome our KS2 pen-pals from Colley Lane Primary School. After visiting their school at the start of the academic year, it was their turn to visit us! We showed the children around Arley, stopping off at the station and taking a walk around the arboretum. We also had a sports afternoon run by the Sports Leaders in Year 5 and 6. Here's just a couple of pictures from our fun day together (more to come soon!). We're very much looking forward to our next meeting. A big thank you to the pupils and staff from Colley Lane for your support. 

24 Jun 2014

Gardening Club

Yesterday in Gardening Club the children planted some herbs in our gardening area. Mrs Wenham had very kindly brought the plants in and talked with the children about them. They planted them together in a small bed and also gave all plants a good watering. Well done gardeners!

20 Jun 2014

Hindu Temple Visit

Shri Venkateswara (Balaji) Temple in Tividale.

Yesterday Starlings Class visited a Hindu Temple.  It was a fantastic experience for the children (and staff!) and we all learnt a lot from going. It has prompted a lot of questions from the children, so we've got lots more work on Hinduism to follow this. A huge thank you to the Balaji Temple, who were so welcoming and kind.

16 Jun 2014

A very big thank you!

We raised £70 from the ticket sales of the 'Eco Fashion Show'! Thank you so much for coming (and for buying a ticket!). We are using this money to buy new compost bins for each class, the staffroom, the mobile and for the playground, as well as another large 'general waste' bin for the playground. After collecting a huge amount of litter from around the school grounds and the village, we thought this would help keep our school clean and help the local wildlife.

12 Jun 2014

What did you think of the show?

A few comments from Starlings Class (Year 3 and 4)
“I like Rosie’s dress because it was a nice colour and it was made out of a sheet so I thought it was clever” Year 3 Pupil
“Charlie’s suit was very good. I thought it must have taken a long time to make”. Year 3 Pupil
“I liked Cameron’s outfit. I like that he made the mitten by cutting the arms off a jumper”. Year 4 Pupil
“When I was walking along the catwalk I felt quite embarrassed but it was fun” Year 3 Pupil.
“I was very nervous so I decided to go at the back of the line but when I did it, it was very fun” Year 4 Pupil.
“Before I walked down the catwalk I had a bit of adrenalin but when I had done it was fun” Year 3 Pupil. 

Leave a comment below to let us know what you thought of the show.

New Origami Teacher

It seems I wasn't needed to run 'Origami Club' today, as we had a Year 2 running the show instead! At the end of the session she took over from me and showed the older children how to make pirate hats with newspaper. What a star!

Poult Update!

The children are still having to work around the pheasant and pheasant poult, which took up residence in our gardening area a few months ago and are still here! There seems to be just one poult which has survived, but with Mrs Darkes feeding it every morning, it has the best start possible.

11 Jun 2014

Eco Fashion Show

The children all enjoyed our very first fashion show, with a theme of 'reusing'. During 'Eco Day' last week, the children made these creations after learning about the importance of reducing waste, reusing waste and recycling waste. It was fantastic to see the children strut down the catwalk to show off their wonderful work. We'll add their comments about the day soon. Well done everyone!

10 Jun 2014

Robins Rockets!

In our literacy lessons we have been learning to follow and give instructions. As our topic is 'Space and Aliens', what better way to practise than following instructions to build our own rockets!! We really enjoyed working together with our learning partners and following instructions carefully in order to turn lots of 'junk' into our amazing rockets!

Shapes, Shapes and More Shapes!

Over the past week Robins Class have been learning all about shapes in our maths lessons. We have learnt how to name, match and describe shapes, how to use shapes to make patterns and pictures, and how to sort shapes in lots of different ways. Here are some photographs of our game of 'Shape Corners' in the playground!

5 Jun 2014

"The quacky things have hatched!"...

...a quote from one of our Year 4 pupils when they discovered that the pheasant poults (chicks) had hatched! (She was so excited that she couldn't get her words out, you know who you are! A very funny moment). 

Yesterday two girls in Year 4 came running into school after doing some work in the gardening area to announce that the poults had hatched and were running around with their mother. All the children have been very excited about this and we hope that all the chicks (6 in total) will fine survive.

Fashion Creations

Tuesday was 'Eco-Day' at our school. As well as litter picking, we made 'Eco Fashion' items by reusing unwanted materials. The children brought in old clothes and had the task of turning them into something new. All classes took part, and will be showing off their fashion items in our 'Eco Fashion Show' next Tuesday! Start practising your catwalk strut everyone!

Comments from Year 5 and 6 (Swallows) children about Eco-Day:

Today was very arty and loads of fun! I did find it upsetting seeing photos of animals caught in rubbish but hopefully if everyone on our planet works together all of that will stop.”

“Today was really fun and enjoyable!  The Y5's went litter picking and after break we started on our Eco clothing for the Fashion Show next week.  It was great!”

“Today was fantastic!  Making our fashion clothes was probably my favourite part.”

“Today was totally awesome! I loved it!  My favourite part was definitely making the clothes!  It was a great teamwork activity for all of us. :o)”

“Today was super!  I loved designing and making my clothes like my mittens. Awesome!”

3 Jun 2014

The Big Tidy Up

Today was 'Eco-Day' at our school, with a theme of 'Litter, Recycling and Waste'. All the children helped during the 'big tidy up'; litter picking around the school, Arley Village and St.Peters Church. We found the usual items but also some more unusual pieces of litter, including these glasses! We will be weighing the bags soon to see how much litter we managed to collect in just a few hours.

What's in there?

It's our school pheasant AND her poults (chicks). They've hatched! A few weeks ago during 'Gardening Club', the gardeners were about to weed an overgrown vegetable patch when they came across this brooding pheasant hidden under the weeds. This was a big surprise as she had chosen a spot right next to our 'outdoor classroom' which is a busy space at lunch. I thought I'd take a photo of her today and came across these two chaps poking out from her tail feathers! Ten eggs were seen in her nest during half term (as she had left it for a while), so hopefully we'll see ten little poults around school soon.