5 Jun 2014

Fashion Creations

Tuesday was 'Eco-Day' at our school. As well as litter picking, we made 'Eco Fashion' items by reusing unwanted materials. The children brought in old clothes and had the task of turning them into something new. All classes took part, and will be showing off their fashion items in our 'Eco Fashion Show' next Tuesday! Start practising your catwalk strut everyone!

Comments from Year 5 and 6 (Swallows) children about Eco-Day:

Today was very arty and loads of fun! I did find it upsetting seeing photos of animals caught in rubbish but hopefully if everyone on our planet works together all of that will stop.”

“Today was really fun and enjoyable!  The Y5's went litter picking and after break we started on our Eco clothing for the Fashion Show next week.  It was great!”

“Today was fantastic!  Making our fashion clothes was probably my favourite part.”

“Today was totally awesome! I loved it!  My favourite part was definitely making the clothes!  It was a great teamwork activity for all of us. :o)”

“Today was super!  I loved designing and making my clothes like my mittens. Awesome!”

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