25 Jun 2015


We've been sooo busy that we haven't even had time to blog!! Mrs Mayall and Miss Hutton are writing this as the children are settling into bed.  So... very briefly, we have had another fabulous day - great sleep, lovely breakfast, Stream Study (the children found lots of creepy crawlies!), Tunnels Revisited (we even shut all the hatches to make it really dark which the children loved!), lunch, Treasure Hunt, BBQ and BONFIRE where we all toasted marshmallows over the fire. Finally, we sat together for our final hot chocolate and shared proud and funny moments!
The children have been absolutely wonderful and a pleasure to bring away on this trip.  We are so proud of each and every single one of them!
See you all tomorrow!

24 Jun 2015


Another great nights sleep was had by all! After our yummy breakfast, we headed for the problem solving course where we moved from task to task which included lots of team building activities. Our favourites were The Water Cycle, Bomb Disposal and Island crossing.  We' ll explain more when we get back to school.
After lunch we had a fabulous time doing Star Orienteering in the forest.  Then some of us got very wet on the shelter building because we were tested on how weatherproof our shelter was.
We had a great surprise tonight... We suddenly realised that Mr Smith was waving at us from outside!! We had a great time showing him around - and he said our bedrooms were very tidy! HE WAS SURPRISED!
Looking forward to the tuck shop being opened and kareoke tonight!

23 Jun 2015

Adrenaline Rush - What a day!

After a wonderful sleep and a lovely breakfast, we all set out for the zip wire.  We all did it so we were really proud of ourselves! Then came the climbing wall and loads of us reached the top.  Hooray!  But the most daring part of the day was the LEAP OF FAITH! Oh my.. some of our knees were shaking... but, we all tried our best and most of us leapt, had faith and gripped onto the trapeze before gracefully floating to the floor.  Can you believe, even Miss Hutton and Mrs Mayall flew, like angels, through the air!!! Wow!
After a delicious lunch we jumped into a mini-bus and travelled to a lake where we did loads of fun canoeing activities!  The best was the Titanic - ask us when we get back - but basically we got VERY wet!!
We've just had a lovely dinner and now we're off to the field for fun and games!
What a day!
Catch up with us again tomorrow for more exciting adventures!

22 Jun 2015

Dean Field Study Centre with Swallows!

We've arrived safely and so far we are all having a brilliant time! 
We have have had a great and exciting time doing loads of activites in the tunnels where there was also a slide.  We even shut some of the hatches, so we had to find our way around in the dark!
Then we set off on a stream walk where we walked through the middle of the stream and climbed under and over lots of fallen trees.  Finally, we pulled ourselves up a steep hill by using a knotted rope! Phew!
We then made our way back for a delicious dinner of fish and chips!
Now just having some free time and then we're  off on our NIGHT WALK!
(Look out for photo's soon.)