23 Jun 2015

Adrenaline Rush - What a day!

After a wonderful sleep and a lovely breakfast, we all set out for the zip wire.  We all did it so we were really proud of ourselves! Then came the climbing wall and loads of us reached the top.  Hooray!  But the most daring part of the day was the LEAP OF FAITH! Oh my.. some of our knees were shaking... but, we all tried our best and most of us leapt, had faith and gripped onto the trapeze before gracefully floating to the floor.  Can you believe, even Miss Hutton and Mrs Mayall flew, like angels, through the air!!! Wow!
After a delicious lunch we jumped into a mini-bus and travelled to a lake where we did loads of fun canoeing activities!  The best was the Titanic - ask us when we get back - but basically we got VERY wet!!
We've just had a lovely dinner and now we're off to the field for fun and games!
What a day!
Catch up with us again tomorrow for more exciting adventures!

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