21 Oct 2015

Dodgeball Festival!

Great fun was had by all of KS2 playing in the dodgeball competition that was organised by our SSOC!
We saw some great team work, determination and dodging!
Well done to BIRCH who won the tournament!

9 Oct 2015

Natural Materials

Last week, the children in Starlings class used natural materials outside to make outdoor art, working very well collaboratively!

Lurking in the shadows

As part of Starlings class topic on animals, the children made shadow puppets and used these to talk about their pets and favorite animals.

Special Visitor!

Yesterday the children had a visit from the Welsh Bird of Prey Centre! Mike showed us 7 birds and told us all about them. Then some of the brave children got to hold the falcon. What an exciting surprise visit for the children!

Chocolate Matters

As part of Starlings science topic 'States of matter', the children learnt about matter that is reversible and irreversible. As part of this, they used melted chocolate to pipe their names and then ate it when it had solidified! Next they will be carrying out experiments about evaporation. 

Observational Drawing

 Last week, the children in Starlings class learnt how to draw from first-hand observation by drawing leaves. They then learnt how to increase the scale of their drawings and how to use a contrast between soft and dense lines. The artwork will be used to create a display about how animals use colours to protect themselves or to hunt!

Summer Term Roman Memories

 I come to update the blog about this half term's activities and find a huge amount of exciting things we did in the summer term in Starlings class! So, here's a few of our Roman themed activities: 

Cross Country Trials at St. Annes's

We are soooo
 of all the Year 5 and 6 who participated in the Cross Country trials on Friday 9th October.
We competed against St. Annes, Franche and Sutton Park.
A huge congratulations to all, but a huge well done to one of the Year 5's
 who came first out of all the Year 5 children, and
one of our Year 6's who came 3rd out of all the Year 6 children who participated!

8 Oct 2015

SSOC update!

We have been busy with our SSOC Challenge of the Week.  Shoot out and target practise with skittles have been really popular.  Well done to the people who received certificates in our Congratulations Assembly!
Our next Intra-Competition event is a practise cross country run for Swallows (Y5/6) at St. Anne's Primary School in Bewdley.  We are looking forward to this challenge (and possibly getting pretty muddy!).