18 Dec 2014


On Friday 12th December we had our amazing Christmas Fayre. It was awesome!  There were lots of games to play and you could win lots of prizes!
As you can see we had some delicious food too!

Miss Loughlin and Miss Hutton did some amazing face painting for us!

There were even stalls where we could make things and get really messy!

 The choir sang absolutely beautifully.


Have a very merry Christmas from everyone at Upper Arley Primary School!

10 Dec 2014

Mr (and Miss) Muscles

Today Starlings class learnt about muscles. They measured their leg and arm muscles when relaxed and contracted to see the difference. We also talked about how our muscles felt and different ways to stretch and warm-up for P.E.

5 Dec 2014

Koh Koh

Today 8 children from Starlings class took part in a 'koh koh' competition. Koh Koh is an Indian sport involving tagging and chasing. The children were taught the game by young leaders from local Secondary Schools, then played against 4 other schools. They did really well coming Third out of five teams! We're now going to teach the game to the rest of the class!

2 Dec 2014


Today the children of Starlings class learned about Christmas in Germany as part of their Modern Languages lesson. They learnt about Lebkuchen, the traditional German baked festive treat, similar to gingerbread. They tried some Lebkuchen, then used the designs of Lebkuchen hearts as inspiration for Christmas decorations. They made salt dough to make these and they'll be painted very soon!

1 Dec 2014

Weird Science

Starlings class have been learning about science using food! They investigated which liquids were good and bad for teeth by using eggs (eggs shells being a similar surface to enamel on our teeth). The children looked at the eggs twice in a week and used their observations to decide why certain liquids had a worse effect on the eggs, and therefore which were worst for our teeth. 

They also were set a task to make a tower 1 metre high made entirely from spaghetti and marshmallows! They had to work well in a team and use their knowledge of gravity. The children learn lots about team work, strong structures and adapting plans.