24 Oct 2014

Art Club

This half term the children in Art Club have been piloting a new award for our school called The Arts Award. The scheme is aimed for educational settings wishing to give talented students a challenge in the arts and work towards an award/qualification. They have started looking at the work of different artists and crafts people, and for the last couple of weeks have started making abtract scultpures using wire and tights. They will be presenting their work to the school at the end of the year when they've finished. The hope is that the arts awards will be used with more children next academic year once we've tested it this year at the club!

23 Oct 2014

Basketball Intra Competition

The children in KS2 took part in the first intra competition of the school year organised by SSOC (School Sports Organising Commitee).  For the Autumn Term, the children chose basketball.  A great Friday afternoon was had by all.  Congratulations to the winning house!

Swallows Aztec Project

Swallows had to complete a project on The Aztecs for their homework.  The children were very proud of what they did and what they achieved.
Mrs Mayall was also very proud of each child's finished project!  Well done!


All of our school had a drama session which was really good fun!
We can't wait to join the drama club!

Swallows SPaG with Mrs Sylvester

Swallows SPaG session with Mrs Sylvester
It was great!  We had to use our knowledge of Spelling Grammar and Punctuation in lots of fun activities.

22 Oct 2014

Autumn at Arley Arboretum

On Tuesday 14th October, children in Robins and Owls Classes braved the wet weather in order to visit Arley Arboretum. Wearing our wellies and waterproofs, we walked to the Arboretum to look at signs of Autumn. We collected lots of different types of leaves, pine cones, conkers and their prickly cases! Here are some photographs of us on our trip.

A Super Start (Robins)

Robins Class have had a fantastic start to the year with all of the children settling into school (or back in after the holidays!) very well! We have had lots of fun things going on over the past few weeks and here are just a few photographs that we would like to share.

Planting cress seeds and watching them grow! We needed to make sure we gave them water and we kept them in the sunlight on the windowsill.

Baking cakes to sell at our Macmillan Coffee Event!

Sorting and drawing a variety of fruit and vegetables at Harvest time.

Identifying and drawing different types of Autumn leaves that we collected at the Arboretum!

We are now an ECO SCHOOL!

Nerves were high this morning knowing that the Eco-Schools Assessor was visiting. The Eco Committee showed Miss Harris from Eco-Schools around the school and did the school very proud. An hour after the assessment we had the news that we had passed! A huge thank you to all the pupils, staff and parents for your support. We're looking forward to continuing our hard work and dedication to Eco issues.

2 Oct 2014

Multi-Sports Competition Winners!

Dodgeball Winners!

Well done to the 12 pupils who attended the Year 3 and 4 Multi-Sports Competition today. They all did amazingly well and were a real credit to the school. The children played dodgeball and benchball against 4 teams from local schools.


Boys Team
Dodgeball - WINNERS
Benchball - 2nd place

Girls Team
Dodgeball - WINNERS
Benchball - Joint 3rd place

Ground Force Day

A HUGE thank you to all the parent volunteers for helping clear the school pond and gardening area. It's now looking fantastic...