25 Jul 2014

So long, farewell...

On the last day of term Swallows class went to Arley Arboretum for a treat after their special leavers service at St Peter's Church. It was very emotional for all to see the Year 6's leave, and we will all miss them very much. The whole school wishes you well for your time at secondary school. We'd enjoy hearing from you, so please do send us a letter, email or even a comment on the blog! Good luck! 

Family Picnic

A fun time was had by all at our annual family picnic, with lots of fun on the bouncy castle and the Year 6's providing free face painting. The sun was shining and it great to see the children enjoying themselves and each others company, well deserved after a year of hard work!

Potato Harvest

Owls class have done a fantastic job of growing potatoes this year and had fun digging them up during the last week of term. Well done! I wonder what they'll choose to grow next year? 


18 Jul 2014

Enjoy the Summer!

We hope you all have a fantastic summer holidays! I shall be adding more photos to the blog next week, showing you what the children have been up to during the last week of term, so please keep checking the blog. 

A huge thank you to all the parents for your support this year, and a huge thank you to all the pupils for their hard work! Enjoy the break, you deserve it! We'll look forward to seeing you all in September!

Miss Loughlin

16 Jul 2014

What a strange bunch of characters!

Here are just a few of our actors and actresses from our end of year KS2 production. This year the children in Starlings and Swallows class performed 'Shakespeare Rocks', a play about the life of William Shakespeare. They did an amazing job on stage and we were all very proud of them! Please do comment if you watched the play, we'd love to hear from you, just click on the word comments below this post. 

14 Jul 2014

La fĂȘte nationale! 14th July

Robins and Owls spent the day learning about Bastille day or La fĂȘte nationale as it is called in France.
We learnt that the Bastille was a famous prison in France and that during the French revolution, people stormed it and freed the prisoners.
People in France celebrate this important part of their history by having fireworks, so Robins and Owls made some fantastic firework pictures and Owls labelled the colours in French.
We all made some yummy chocolate sparklers to celebrate the occasion too!

9 Jul 2014

Language and Culture day.

On Tuesday 8th July, we had our Language and Culture day.

Each class learnt about a different widely - spoken language and where it is spoken. They then performed what they had learned to the rest of the school at the end of the day.

Swallows learnt about Japanese as Mrs Mayall used to teach in Japan. They learnt lots of things about Japanese culture and way of life and also performed some conversations for the rest of the school as well as counting to twenty for us. They learnt that the Japanese alphabet contains very different symbols to our alphabet.

Starlings learnt that Spanish is spoken in Mexico and the historical reasons for this. They learnt about Mexican traditions and created their own paintings of Mexican lizards. Starlings also learnt a greetings song in Spanish which they performed brilliantly!

Owls learnt about Belgium as Mrs Geithner- Hill taught there. They learnt that Belgium has three official languages because it is a small country which is bordered by Germany, France and Netherlands. They looked at the Belgian world cup squad and found that half the players play in the English Premier League! They learnt about the differences and similarities between Belgian and English schools.  Owls performed Frere Jacques in French, German and Flemish for us!

Robins learnt about the different countries that Spanish is spoken in. They named Costa Rica and Columbia as some examples in their performance! They performed a counting song in Spanish and also “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” in Spanish too!

The children were very keen to learn about different languages and cultures. They are already brilliant language learners in their French lessons but it was wonderful for them to be exposed to different languages too!

8 Jul 2014

Swallows and Starlings visit to Arley station to see a Spitfire plane
On Friday 4th July, Swallows and Starlings visited Arley Station to see a replica of the famous Spitfire plane which also happened to have appeared in two films!

When we arrived, we were greeted by Mr David Skitt who told us lots of information about the Spirfire, which was fascinating!  After that we drew sketches of it or we talked to some of the Home Guards who showed us their jeep and firearms.
We had such a great time!

7 Jul 2014

Fantastic Gymnastics!

On Friday Starlings class did some fantastic paired and group Gymnastic routines, completely independently. They are going to show their final routines in their last session this week. Good work so far!

2 Jul 2014

Buddhist Centre Visit

Swallows visit to
Jangchub Ling Buddhist Centre in Cradley Heath
"Wow!  This is amazing!"
"My favourite part was when we looked all around the shrine. I was really surprised at the offerings that were made; like the chocolate, water and ginger biscuits!"

"My favourite part was filling the mandela with the rice and building it up.  It looked really pretty.  It was fun and good to give a thought to someone."

"I really enjoyed meditating.  First by focussing on our breathing and then joining in with the special words."

"We had a really enjoyable time - a huge thank you to the people at the centre."

1 Jul 2014

What a sporty two weeks!

Yesterday, Mrs Sylvester from Bewdley High School came to work with our SSOC.  Our young leaders then led the children in KS1 on activities that linked with Outdoor and Adventurous Activities.
Good fun was had by all!

Quick fit the jigsaw together!

Through we go!

Can you hear the bell in the ball?

Look!  I've found it!

Exploring Outdoors

With the weather being warm and sunny lately, lots of the children in Robins Class have been having fun exploring their outdoor area. Here are some photographs to show you just how much fun we've been having!

Building our own tyre climbing frame!

Practising handwriting in the Sun!

More climbing!

Acting as the shopkeeper in our Garden Centre

Camping out and doing some 'cooking' in the den