16 Jul 2015

Cafe Hirondelle (Swallow's Cafe)

Today Swallows organised a super French CafĂ©.  All the children in the school sampled lots of different French food and brioche was definitely our favourite!  We really enjoyed speaking in French, asking what the children would like to eat.  Bon appetite!

Summer Fayre

Everyone had a wonderful time at our annual Summer Fayre.  
The glorious sun shone and we performed our country dancing,
... had our faces painted,

...bought sweets (!),

and bounced on the Bouncy Castle!

What a fabulous day was had by all!


On Friday 10th July, Starlings and Swallows had a fabulous morning learning new Judo skills!
"It was awesome!"

3 Jul 2015

Jumping Jaxx Training

On Tuesday 30th June Year 5 were taught by some  Young Ambassadors from Bewdley School and Sixth Form Centre.
They learnt how to deliver Jumping Jaxx which they will lead at lunchtimes next year.

We really enjoyed ourselves and found this really useful for next year.
Thank you!