23 Mar 2015

Red Nose Day 2015

This year in order to celebrate Red Nose Day, the children at Upper Arley School created their own 'Funny Faces' designs and used face paints to bring these to life on their friends' faces! The children worked very hard on their designs and displayed fantastic concentration when face painting! We had lots of fun whilst raising money for a good cause.

I Love My Mommy!

In preparation for Mothering Sunday, the children in Robins Class did lots of activities which involved not only making a card for their mom, but also talking about all the reasons why they love their mummy, and painting portraits of them too! Here are some pictures of us completing our portraits.

18 Mar 2015

The Book Fair is coming!

Our annual Book Fair arrives after Easter but with a difference! This year it is being run by a group of Key Stage 2 children with excellent entrepreneurial skills!
Their marketing manager says,
" We are organising a book fair to raise money for our library. Over the next few weeks, we have lots of activities to get everyone excited. These include bookmark and book cover designing competitions and a book swap week. The winners get a book from the book fair."
The Book Fair team have worked so hard on organising this and can't wait to raise loads of money for new books!

Just ask the Book Fair team for information!

6 Mar 2015

Science Club

In science club we have been building our own volcanoes and this Tuesday we made them erupt! Great fun was had by all - just look at our amazing photo to see for yourself!

Investigating the Passover

Yesterday, in Swallows, not only did we celebrate World Book Day, but we also learnt all about what the Seder Plate represents during the Jewish festival of Passover. We found out why each of the foods on the plate is symbolic and we thought about why it is such an important festival.  We then compared it with other religions.

Stone Age Music by Swallows

We had a great afternoon composing our own Stone Age music on Tuesday 3rd March!
"It was really good and we learnt loads!"

2 Mar 2015

What is drawing?

Today the children in art club explored the question 'what is drawing?' by experimenting with different ways of mark-making. They held their pencils and charcoal in different positions and at different angles; explored different types of marks (textures, line, thickness and light and shade); experimented with using their feet to hold the pencil, and used large paper to explore wider arm movements.

Volcanic Eruptions in Arley!

Today the children in Starlings class spent the afternoon looking at each others homework projects on 'Mountains, Volcanoes and Adventurers'. Two of the pupils showed us how to use some household ingredients to make a model volcanic eruption! For details on how to do this at home, follow the link below:


Well done to all the children, as they created some amazing projects!