23 May 2014

More Measuring

It was busy on the playground this morning with both Owls Class and Starlings Class doing measuring in Maths! Owls Class are seen here practising their measuring skills by seeing who has the biggest stride.

Pitch Perfect

Yesterday Starlings Class learnt about how different types of instruments make different pitches as part of their Science unit on 'Sound'. They then made their own tuned instruments.

Fairtrade Fruit Kebabs

Today 'Rowan House' were given a delicious fairtrade treat for winning our 'Fairtrade Lunchboxes' competition. The children are given a sticker for each fairtrade item in their lunchbox each day and every half term we count the stickers and reward the winning house. We used fairtrade fruit and chocolate to make these fruit kebabs, which the children enjoyed making and eating!

Fun Flying

Yesterday the children in 'Origami Club' made paper aeroplanes using written instructions. They particularly enjoyed flying them around the classroom afterwards, as you can see in this video. We used the spare aeroplanes in our Maths lesson today, having a 'Flying Competition'; learning how to write distances in decimal form.

21 May 2014

gardening, gardening, gardening...

...that's all we've been talking about across the whole school during the last few weeks. We have a wonderful new gardening area which gives us extra beds to grow fruit and vegetables in, as well as a shed for equipment and a greenhouse. All classes have been given their own 'bed' to grow fruit and vegetables in, with a wide variety being grown throughout the school. We have been watching weather reports to know when to water our plants and learned so much about how to plant, how to water and how to look after our new site. Keep it up everyone!

Tennis Competition

Yesterday 8 children from Starlings Class went to Bewdley Tennis Club to take part in a tennis competition. The children did really well and were very good sports'! Well done!


In this weeks R.E lesson in Starlings Class, the children learnt about why some religions use meditation to help them control their minds and thoughts, but also looked at how it can be useful for relaxing and calming ourselves down. Here are some comments from pupils:

"On Monday we did some meditating. We went outside to do it, I decided to meditate on the grass. We did it twice, so on the second go I went on a bench. Before that, we learnt how to make the 'aum' sound. We closed our eyes and made the sound. I didn't feel silly because I knew everyone else was joining in. I am looking forward to meditating with my Mum." Year 4 Pupil

"I enjoyed it because it relaxs you after a long lunchtime. My favorite one was an 'aum' sound because it is easy to start with. Meditating makes you forget about things." Year 4 Pupil

End of S.A.T's Fun Day

 On Friday the children in Swallows Class celebrated the end of their S.A.T's by having a fun day. They made pizzas together, enjoyed the sunshine while gardening and had a 'games' afternoon. Well done Year 6's!

Garden Centre Open for Business

In Robins Class we have transformed our Wendy House into a new role-play Garden Centre. We are enjoying buying and selling seeds, plants and garden tools, using the till, writing in the order books and making shopping lists. We have also been working in (and visiting) the Garden Centre Tea Room. 

Origami Club

A busy session at ‘Origami Club’ this week, making three different origami animals (although we could have made more if we weren’t snacking on chocolates!). 
These are very simple to make, follow the link below:
 This site has simple origami with photo step-by-step instructions.
 Let me know if you try some of these at home! Miss Loughlin

Hello World!

Welcome to our new school blog!

We are looking forward to using this site as a space to share the school’s and children’s achievements. Please keep checking this site to see what we have been learning.